Capybara Go! Wiki and Guides
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Gem Earning and Spending Guide

From Capybara Go! Wiki and Guides

Gem.pngGems are premium currency in Capybara Go! and while the easiest way to get gems is by using your credit card, it is possible to hoard enough of them as F2P if you are smart enough. This guide will help both beginner f2p players and experienced players to farm and spend gems right.

You can visit Capybara Go! Guides for more useful guides on the game. Make sure to read Capybara Go! Ultimate Beginners Guide for overall game guidance.

Early Game[edit source]

When you just start out you will get some decent amount of Gem.pngGems from the mail rewards, chapter progression and other activities that you will do. While the most efficient way is to use them for efficient things and save them for events your goal will be focusing on 7-Day Carnival first and acquiring all rewards there.

So early on you might freely buy Legendary Treasure Chest if needed, but make sure to buy them in batches of 10, since it's way more efficient.

Other than that, try to push as far as you can in the Adventure to unlock more game mechanics that will result in higher daily Gems yield.

Earning Gems[edit | edit source]

There are multiple ways how you can earn Gem.pngGems in Capybara Go!. While some are one-time opportunities, there are multiple recurring ways of farming Gems, even for F2P players.

Example of Recurring Daily and Weekly Gem sources for endgame players (F2P and P2W)
Per Day Per Week Gem Chests P2W
Free Shop.pngStore Pack 30 210
Cards Daily Benefits 20 140
Cards AD Card 50 350 yes
Cards Monthly Card 200 1400 yes
Cards Lifetime Card 200 1400 yes
AFK Rewards 360 2520
Key Special Offer 20 140
Pet Special Offer 20 140
Sign In event 143 1000 1
Arena.pngArena Daily Rewards 110 770
Arena.pngArena Weekly Rewards 157 1100
Goblin Miner.pngGoblin Miner 50 350
Dragon's Lair.pngDragon's Lair F2P 148 1036
Dragon's Lair.pngDragon's Lair Ads 148 1036
Dragon's Lair.pngDragon's Lair P2W 148 1036 yes
Phantom Sword Island.pngPhantom Sword Island F2P 2.94
Phantom Sword Island.pngPhantom Sword Island AD 2.94
Phantom Sword Island.pngPhantom Sword Island P2W 1.47 yes
Energy 7-Day Carnival Icon.pngEvents F2P 29 200
Energy 7-Day Carnival Icon.pngEvents P2W 0.5 yes
Lucky Star.pngLucky Star Event F2P 214 1500
Lucky Star.pngLucky Star Event P2W 71 500 1 yes
Main Growth Events.pngGrowth Events F2P 214 1500
Main Growth Events.pngGrowth Events Ranking F2P 57 400
Main Growth Events.pngGrowth Events P2W 286 2000 yes
Main Growth Events.pngGrowth Events Ranking P2W 29 200 yes
Black Market Growth Event 14 100
Mount Growth Event F2P 100 700
Mount Growth Event P2W 186 1300 yes
Capy Gacha.pngCapy Gacha 17 117 0.666
Guild.pngGuild Boss Fight 100 700
Guild.pngGuild Boss Kill 686 4800
Guild.pngGuild Boss Ranking 343 2400
Guild.pngGuild League Battle Rewards 32 225
Guild.pngGuild League Ranking Rewards 57 400
Guild.pngGuild Shop 71 500 1.25
Tasks Daily 50 350
Tasks Weekly 36 250
Gem Gold Chest.pngChests F2P 643 4500
Gem Gold Chest.pngChests P2W 214 1500
Total Earned F2P 3869 27084 8.8
Total Earned P2W 1384 9686 3
Total Earned F2P+P2W 5253 36770

Spending Gems[edit | edit source]

Depending on how far are you into the game and how many gems per day did you get [[|Gems]] spending options can vary wildly.

Make sure to save up 10.000 gems for Growth Events.pngBlack Market Growth Event, you can buy 1000 Golden Horseshoes like that.

Although overall consensus among the community that this is the priority for F2P gems spending:

  1. Buy 2 Dungeon Dive Challenge Vouchers for Gems (When you reach around 100+ floor). First one will cost 100, second 200. Overall 300 Gems.
  2. Buy x15 Energy 1-2 times per day. First one is 90, second is 120. Since second is a debatable choice because of high costs, it's recommended to buy at least 1. Overall, 90 Gems.
  3. Buying Golden Horseshoe in the Black Market when discount it -30% and more.
  4. Buying Mythic Key with a good discount.

The rest of the Gems can be used for buying 10x keys for 2500 gems in the Black Market event, Pet Eggs and Pet Food.

Mid Game[edit source]

Once you are done with the early game and 7-Day Carnival Icon.png7-Day Carnival Event your best bet will be saving up 10k Gem.pngGems and buying things that are recommended in Spedning Gems section. Afterwards go for either Pet Egg.pngPet Eggs or Legendary Key.pngLegendary Treasure Chests.

You will still get more than 500 Gem.pngGems per day as a F2P and some more from the events. Snipe good Black Market deals but otherwise feel free to use up extra however you wish.

As you play the game you will be able to get more gems and adjust your spending strategy to your current needs.

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