Capybara Go! Wiki and Guides
Don't Worry Be Capy


From Capybara Go! Wiki and Guides
Gold Chest.png

Chests tab contains collected chests that can be opened for rewards and a chance to obtain Collectibles.pngCollectibles or their parts.

Opening chest will also give chest points that can be used to fill Chests Milestone Mileage at the top of the screen. Same Chest Points are also used in Chest Growth Event.

Points rewards per Chest:

  • Bronze Chest.pngBronze Chest - 1p
  • Silver Chest.pngSilver Chest - 10p
  • Gold Chest.pngGold Chest - 20p
  • Pet Chest.pngPet Chest - 50p
  • Gem Chest.pngGem Chest - 0p

Chest Mileage will follow this pattern:

  • Silver Chest.pngSilver Chest - 20
  • Silver Chest.pngSilver Chest - 30
  • Gold Chest.pngGold Chest - 40
  • Pet Chest.pngPet Chest- 80
  • Gold Chest.pngGold Chest - 60
  • Gem Chest.pngGem Chest - 100
  • Gold Chest.pngGold Chest: - 80
  • Pet Chest.pngPet Chest - 120
  • Gem Chest.pngGem Chest - 180

After the last Gem Chest.pngGem Chest milestone is achieved it will cycle back to first Silver Chest.pngSilver Chest

Chests will be opened in batches of 10 when prompted, unless you have less than 10 chests. It is not necessary to open chests in order to finish the daily tasks, so it's better to save them for growth event.

Bronze Chest[edit | edit source]

Bronze Chest.png

When opened, Bronze Chests provide Gold.pngGold and give 1 point.

Loot options from opening Bronze Chest.pngBronze Chest:

Silver Chest[edit | edit source]

Silver Chest.png

When opened, Silver Chests provide Power Stone.pngPower Stone and give 10 points.

Loot options from opening Silver Chest.pngSilver Chest:

Gold Chest[edit | edit source]

Gold Chest.png

When opened, Gold Chests provide Meteoric Iron.pngMeteoric Iron and give 20 points.

Loot options from opening Gold Chest.pngGold Chest:

Pet Chest[edit | edit source]

Pet Chest.png

When opened, Pet Chests provide Pet Food.pngPet Food and give 50 points.

Loot options from opening Pet Chest.pngPet Chest:

Gem Chest[edit | edit source]

Gem Chest.png

When opened, Gem Chests provide Gem.pngGems and give 0 points.

Loot options from opening Gem Chest.pngGem Chest:

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