Capybara Go! Wiki and Guides
Don't Worry Be Capy

Currency and Items

From Capybara Go! Wiki and Guides
Currency and Items.png

Capybara Go! has various currencies that allow players to upgrade their hero, take part in the events and do gacha pulls for different rewards.

Gold[edit | edit source]


Shiny gold coins that are used to enhance talents.

Can be obtained in the following ways:

  • Travel
  • Events rewards
  • Black Market

Energy[edit | edit source]


Going on adventures requires Energy. It is being consumed when you start a chapter run or travel sweeping for the loot.

Can be obtained in the following ways:

  • 1 Energy is recovered every xx min when it's not full
  • x10 Energy being rewarded daily for free with a daily pack
  • x15 Energy being rewarded for a Daily Tasks completion milestone
  • x10+ Energy can be rewarded from Raid Dragon's Lair completion, 2 times per day with daily Dragon Tickets, 2 more with ADs.
  • x15 Energy can be claimed from ADs, 2 times per day.
  • x15 Energy can be bought for Gems, 4 times per day. Price increases every time (90/120/150/180)
  • Events rewards

Gems[edit | edit source]


Gem.pngGems are premium currency in Capybara Go!, but there are various ways to acquire them as F2P as well.

Power Stones[edit | edit source]

Power Stone.png

Used for Equipment.pngEquipment Enhancement.

Can be obtained in the following ways:

  • Equipment Chests
  • Travel has a chance to reward them as well

Equipment Designs[edit | edit source]

Equipment Design.png

Used for Equipment.pngEquipment advancement.

Can be obtained in the following ways:

  • Equipment Chests
  • Travel has a chance to reward them as well

Pet Eggs[edit | edit source]

Pet Egg.png

Used for drawing Pets.pngPets.

Can be obtained in the following ways:

  • x5+ Pet Eggs can be rewarded from Raid Celestial Tree completion, 2 times per day with daily Tree Tickets, 2 more with ADs.
  • Travel has a chance to reward them as well

Pet Food[edit | edit source]

Pet Food.png

Used for Pets.pngpet upgrading.

Can be obtained in the following ways:

  • x5+ Pet Eggs can be rewarded from Raid Celestial Tree completion, 2 times per day with daily Tree Tickets, 2 more with ADs.
  • Travel has a chance to reward them as well

Meteoric Iron[edit | edit source]

Meteoric Iron.png

Used for collectible star ups.

Can be obtained in the following ways:

  • Opening Collectible Chests

Divine Hammer[edit | edit source]

Divine Hammer.png

Divine Hammer.pngDivine Hammers are used for artifact upgrades

Gold Horseshoe[edit | edit source]

Gold Horseshoe.png

Gold Horseshoe.pngGold Horseshoes used for mount upgrades

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