Capybara Go! Wiki and Guides
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Skysplitter Build and Guide

From Capybara Go! Wiki and Guides

Capybara Go Skysplitter build is one of the most powerful builds in the game. It offers high damage potential and is one of the most powerful builds in the game. It's part of Capybara Go! Guides series, where you can find the rest of the guides on the game.

Skysplitter.pngSkysplitter build gameplay relies on extensive use of Combos that will allow to release more Basic Attack Sword Chi.pngSword Chi per round. Since Sword Chi itself is a very powerful skill, that deals 70% of the player's ATK, having multiple Sword Chi per round has a great damage potential. Various Sword Chi upgrades like Heaven's Mark.pngHeaven's Mark, Pirate Swordsman.pngPirate Swordsman and Slime King.pngSlime King makes Sword Chi even more powerful.

Skysplitter Build Mechanics[edit source]

Most of the Skysplitter gameplay is focused on getting the right Skills.pngSkills for survivability and boosting the damage. Getting consistent Combos to release as many Sword Chi as possible is as important as increasing the damage through Combo Mastery.pngCombo Mastery, War Veteran.pngWar Veteran and Super Sword Chi.pngSuper Sword Chi.

Overall with proper Equipment.pngEquipment this build is one of the best in the game in terms of the damage output and overall usefulness.

As always balance the survivability and damage based on what you need more in the current situation.

Equipment[edit source]

Skysplitter build is based on at least Legendary Skysplitter.pngSkysplitter (getting Mythic is even better, but it takes a lot of time). Other Equipment.pngEquipment options focus on boosting the Damage or adding some survivability.

  • Weapon: Legendary+ Skysplitter.pngSkysplitter
  • Armor: Tunic.pngTunic is the best option for extra damage, but Dragon's Breath Armor.pngDragon's Breath Armor is better for overall survivability.
  • Rings:
    • Judgement Ring.pngJudgement Ring is great damage boost, since Sword Chi is a Physical Skill damage.
    • Guardian's Ring.pngGuardian's Ring is a still good easy to get survivability option.
  • Accessories:
    • Bloody Grail.pngBloody Grail is the best option because of the powerful damage boost. You can use x2 early on, but later you might want to use only 1 for Arcana Collectibles.pngTreasure unique bonuses
    • Reckoning Badge.pngReckoning Badge is a good alternative, especially considering the unique Treasure bonuses.
    • Proof of Glory.pngProof of Glory at Mythic tier will provide +25% Damage Reduction that might be necessary if Pets.pngPets build doesn't provide enough of it.

Pets[edit source]

Skysplitter Build uses pretty much the same Pets.pngPets that any other build, but there are some unique aspects that has to be taken into account.

  1. Elsa.pngElsa is always #1 Pet for all the builds. Lowering enemy Attack, and increasing Damage taken goes a long way. Extra freezes if Treasure is available are great addition.
  2. Freya.pngFreya provides significant damage boost by increasing the Skill Damage. Moreover, its attack deals Skill Damage as well, so extra damage is pretty good.
  3. Slime King.pngSlime King is a great pet if you have Arcana Slime King treasure. Although some calculations recommend using Unicorn.pngUnicorn instead for more damage buff even with the Treasure bonuses taken into account.
  4. Unicorn.pngUnicorn is a good alternative to Slime King.pngSlime King, since it provides additional crit, especially at the stage when Combo Rate is already maxed and Slime King.pngSlime King doesn't contribute a lot because of that.

Mount and Artifact[edit source]

Skysplitter needs more combos to trigger additional Sword Chi, and the best way to do that is through Diego.pngDiego Gold Horseshoe.pngMount. It will add +1 Combo and increase combo rate.

As for the Divine Hammer.pngArtifacts there are 2 options:

  1. Demonic Eye.pngDemonic Eye will help will additional damage with high combo count, and it's % of enemy HP. Moreover Healing Reduction will help with the enemies that recover health like Vampire a lot. It's also easily accessible, since it's the first artifact in the Capy Gacha.pngCapy Gacha.
  2. Heaven's Mark.pngHeaven's Mark is a way better option. Multiple Sword Chi will allow it to trigger often, leading to catastrophic damage that will cleave through most enemies. Use it if you can.

Inheritance[edit source]

Ghost Inheritance is the optimal option for endgame because of the extra Skill Damage and Crit Damage with Control Immunity.

Early on Bone inheritance might help with extra Combo Rate that will result in more DPS and Sword Chi triggers. Although it won't be as effective later on with additional sources of Combo Rate.

Legacies[edit source]

Skysplitter Legacy.pngHeroes are pretty much the same as any other build.

  • Knight of the End.pngKnight of the End provides additional survivability and pretty much essential for most fights. The only exceptions are Seal Battle.pngSeal Battle and other fights like that where you won't die.
  • Crybaby or Ghost Princess can be a good option because of extra stuns that boosts survivability and additional Skill Damage and Global HP%
  • Judgement Reaper.pngJudgement Reaper is another solid option for extra damage. High Combo of the build offers more Scythe triggers and extra DPS.
  • Undead Pirate.pngUndead Pirate can offer extra Combos after its skill activation, but most likely it won't be worth it because of other various Combo sources and other Heroes that are better.


  • Wild Vulture.pngWild Vulture increase Combo Rate and adds additional Combo Count which is massive for most builds including Skysplitter.
  • Stone Guardian.pngStone Guardian provides Basic Attack Shield.pngBasic Attack Shield at the start of the run and boosts Shield's value which helps a lot with survivability.
  • Pirate Swordsman.pngPirate Swordsman guarantees Basic Attack Sword Chi.pngBasic Attack Sword Chi at the start of the run and also boosts Sword Chi damage.
  • Phantom Assassin.pngPhantom Assassin increases Physical Damage that works with Sword Chi.
  • Bone Club Golem.pngBone Club Golem adds Heavy Attack.pngHeavy Attack and boosts Critical Damage by 40%.

Skills[edit source]

Skysplitter uses most of the Skills.pngSkills that are included in other build or in Skills Tier List, but has some twists:

  • Combo Mastery.pngCombo Mastery is very good because of high combo rate and count. It provides significant ATK bonuses that stack really well as the fight progresses.
  • Super Sword Chi.pngSuper Sword Chi is a great Damage bonus for the Sword Chi, making them way stronger
  • Crit Mastery.pngCrit Mastery adds crazy Crit DMG bonuses that adds a lot to the overall damage pool
  • Combo Spirit.pngCombo Spirit adds additional Combo Count and Combo rate
  • Shrink Spell.pngShrink Spell helps survivability by lowering enemy's ATK
  • Recovery Sword Chi.pngRecovery Sword Chi makes Sword Chi heal player for 3% per enemy hit, not much, but there aren't many recovery sources for this build
  • Basic Attack Icy Spikes.pngBasic Attack Icy Spikes adds Freeze chance and also unlocks Frostbite.pngFrostbite which helps with survivability
  • Frostbite.pngFrostbite lowers enemy ATK as well, making it easier to survive.

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