Capybara Go! Wiki and Guides
Don't Worry Be Capy


From Capybara Go! Wiki and Guides

Freya is one of the Pets.pngPets in Capybara Go!. It increase hero's Skill Crit Rate and DMG on skill activation. every 2 turns up to 3 stacks.

Battle Skill:
Cast Skill after every 2 rounds and deals 200/220/240/260/280% of hero's ATK as Skill DMG. Increase hero's Skill Crit Rate by 8/8.5/9/9.5/10% and Skill DMG by 15/17.5/20/22.5/25%. Max 3 stacks, until battle ends.

Upgrade Effects (passive bonuses for lvl ups):

  • Every 5/25/45/65/85 Level: Increase Hero ATK +6%
  • Every 10/30/50/70/90 Level: Increase Hero HP +6%
  • Every 15/35/55/75/95 Level: Increase Hero DEF +6%
  • Every 20/40/60/80 Level: Upgrade Battle Skill to the next lvl.

Collectible[edit | edit source]

File:Goddess of Love - Freya.png
Goddess of Love - Freya

Freya Statue Collectibles.pngCollectible evolves Freya into 24pxGoddess of Love - Freya, making it a Immortal+ Pet. All the Pet's Stats will stay the same, it will get the following bonuses based on the Collectible Star.png Level:

  • 0Star.png: After each critical hit of the character's skill, the Goddess of Love adds 1 layer of Magic Mark. A maximum of 3 layers can be obtained per round.
    • After 4 layers of Magic Mark, the Goddess of Love's skill triggers 1 magic explosion, dealing 100% of the protagonist's attack power as skill damage to the enemy.
    • After 6 layers of Magic Mark, the Goddess of Love's skill damage coefficient increases by 200%.
    • After 10 layers of Magic Mark, each time the character's skill crits, the Goddess of Love's skill damage increases by +8%, stackable up to 10 layers. The count resets after the Goddess of Love releases her skill.
  • 1Star.png: Pet's Stats Increase 15%.
  • 2Star.png: Pet's Stats Increase 15%.
  • 3Star.png: Pet's Stats Increase 15%.
  • 4Star.png: The Goddess of Love's skill increases the protagonist's skill critical effect by +2% and skill damage effect by +10%.
  • 5Star.png: Pet's Stats Increase 15%.
  • 6Star.png: Pet's Stats Increase 15%.
  • 7Star.png: Pet's Stats Increase 15%.
  • 8Star.png: Pet's Stats Increase 15%.
  • 9Star.png: After a critical hit of the Goddess of Love's skill, the protagonist's global damage increases by +25%, lasting 2 turns.
  • 10Star.png: Pet's Stats Increase 15%.

Freya Tips[edit | edit source]

Following tips should give you better understanding of the Freya and make it more efficient:

  • Using 24pxFreya Statue will not grant additional stat bonuses to the pet. All the bonuses you will get will be based on the collectible Star.pngStar level.
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