Capybara Go! Wiki and Guides
Don't Worry Be Capy

Reaper's Staff

From Capybara Go! Wiki and Guides
Reaper's Staff.png

Reaper's Staff is one of the Equipment.pngWeapons in Capybara Go!. It casts Deathbolts, which increase damage every time they cast on the rage ultimate attack.

The Reaper's Staff exudes a sinister aura, and eternity grants it the power to command death. Each swing delivers death's judgement, shifting the boundary between life and death.

Rage Skill: Cast 3 Deathbolts, each dealing 60% ATK DMG. Bolt DMG increases by 12% each time, up to 6x.
Deathbolt: Powerful Lightning Bolts that do 60% ATK DMG (3x Bolt DMG). Increases next Deathbolt DMG by 12% up to 6 times. Has the same effects as normal Bolts.

Basic Stats: + ATK + Skill DMG
Great Bonus: Cast 1 Bolt each round
Rare Bonus: Basic Attacks restore 25 extra Rage
Epic Bonus: Bolt DMG +35%
Legendary Bonus: Lightning DMG +25%%
Mythic Bonus: All bolts have a chance to become Deathbolts

Collectible[edit | edit source]

Eternal Reaper's Staff Collectibles.pngCollectible provides following bonuses:

  • 0Star.png: Death Lightning Damage Coefficient +6%
  • 1Star.png: Attack +6%
  • 2Star.png: Death Lightning Damage Coefficient +8%
  • 3Star.png: Attack +6%
  • 4Star.png: When equipped with Reaper’s Staff, Skill Damage +15%
  • 5Star.png: When equipped with Legendary Reaper’s Staff, Death Lightning stacking limit +3
  • 6Star.png: Attack +8%
  • 7Star.png: When equipped with Reaper’s Staff, Global Lightning Damage +10%
  • 8Star.png: Attack +10%
  • 9Star.png: When equipped with Reaper’s Staff, Global Lightning Damage +15%
  • 10Star.png: When equipped with Mythic Quality Reaper’s Staff, Death Lightning trigger rate increased (40%-60%)

Reaper's Staff Tips[edit | edit source]

Following tips should give you better understanding of the Reaper's Staff and make it more efficient:

  • Reaper's Staff best used in bolt/lightning build, so consider picking those skills when using it.
  • One of the highest damage weapons in the game, if not the highest. Easy to get Shock Discharge.pngShock Discharge which is required for a lot of chapter bosses. Extremely high burst damage when built correctly - often finishes a day before round 15. You'll be amazed at how much damage Super Bolt.pngSuper Bolt and Spear of Thor.pngSpear of Thor with Crit Mastery.pngCrit Mastery stacks can do.
  • Requires highly upgraded Ghost Inheritance.pngInheritance to excel. Requires an unorthodox build (Combo Mastery.pngCombo Mastery with Combo.pngCombo, or Hits Recovery.pngHits Recovery, Enhanced Recovery.pngEnhanced Recovery, Little Elle.pngLittle Elle) to stay alive for the first 25 days. Must get War Veteran.pngWar Veteran to have sufficient heals and scale attack for later days in the chapter. Must get Spear of Thor.pngSpear of Thor to excel.
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