Capybara Go! Wiki and Guides
Don't Worry Be Capy


From Capybara Go! Wiki and Guides

Whisperer is one of the Equipment.pngWeapons in Capybara Go!. It throw extra Daggers on the rage ultimate attack.

The Wind Whisperer embodies all the mysteries of the wind. With the infusion of eternal power, each swing unleashes an endless storm, capable of overturning the world with a whisper, commanding the might of nature.

Rage Skill: Deal 150% ATK DMG to enemies. Throw 3 extra Daggers.

Basic Stats: + ATK + Weapon Crit Rate
Great Bonus: Throw 2 Daggers upon weapon CRIT Hit
Rare Bonus: Basic Attacks restore 10 extra Rage
Epic Bonus: Global ATK +25%
Legendary Bonus: Dagger DMG +35%
Mythic Bonus: Each Dagger hit increases hero Weapon Crit Rate by 2% and Crit DMG by 5%. Max 10 stacks.

Collectible[edit | edit source]

Eternal Whisperer Collectibles.pngCollectible provides following bonuses:

  • Rage Skill Damage Coefficient +30%
  • Attack +6%
  • Basic Attack Damage Coefficient +10%
  • Attack +6%
  • When equipped with Whisperer, Weapon Critical Rate +5%
  • When equipped with Legendary Quality Whisperer, Global Dagger Critical Rate +10%
  • Attack +8%
  • When equipped with Whisperer, Global Dagger Damage +10%
  • Attack +10%
  • When equipped with Whisperer, Global Dagger Damage +15%
  • When equipped with Mythic Quality Whisperer, skill enhancement: Each Dagger hit increases Dagger Crit Rate by 2% and Dagger Crit DMG by 3%. Max 10 stacks.

Whisperer Tips[edit | edit source]

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